Oil and Gas

Baytex Energy: A Model of Resilience and Growth in Oil and Gas

The company's success is anchored in its diverse portfolio, spanning across Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Texas.

November 28, 2023
Baytex Energy: A Rising Force in Oil and Gas

The company produces heavy oil north of the border and sells light sweet oil in both the Edmonton and US Gulf Coast markets, often at a premium.

November 15, 2023
Southern Energy: Energy Stock with a Growing Demand for its Products
Metals & Mining

On the verge of their largest organic growth program to date, Southern Energy is confident there’ll be a growing demand for its products, especially considering liquified natural gas can be shipped globally. BTV checks in on this established oil and gas producer’s projects in Mississippi.

January 25, 2023
Permex Petroleum: A Junior Oil and Gas Stock

Permex Petroleum is leading the charge in the prolific Permian Basin with an attractive portfolio of oil, natural has, and royalty assets.

December 22, 2022