Brompton Group Weighs In on the Attraction of ETFs

July 9, 2019

Chris Cullen, Senior VP of Brompton Group touches on the main attractions for investing in ETFs.

"It (ETFs) give much more opportunity for investors to take a rifle shot at a specific type of investment exposure that they're interested in having in their portfolios. Investors can add these funds to their portfolios and get a more rounded, more of a global exposure to these sectors."

About Brompton

Brompton Funds is a division of Brompton Group which was founded in 2000. They are an experienced investment fund manager with approximately $2.0 billion in assets under management. In addition, they offer income, growth, sector specific and tax advantaged investment solutions. Importantly, many funds provide a high level of monthly distributions.

The company's investment solutions include TSX traded funds, mutual funds and flow-through limited partnerships. Further, all products feature best-in-class portfolio management custom tailored to the investment mandate. Lastly, the company offers innovative, well-conceived products with fair terms at low cost and supported by strong corporate governance.

For more information on Brompton Group (TLF.TO ) please fill out the form below.

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