NV Gold: Focused on Discovering North America’s Next Multi-Million Ounce Gold Deposit

January 13, 2021

Advancing exploration on multiple gold projects

NV Gold is a fully financed junior exploration company focused on discovering North America’s next multi-million ounce gold deposit. They're based in Vancouver, British Columbia. Moreover, they are zeroed in on delivering value through mineral discoveries in North America, leveraging its highly experienced in-house technical knowledge, and identifying and drilling 2-3 priority projects per year. Further, NV Gold is aggressively advancing exploration activities on multiple projects in Nevada.

Sandy Gold Project

The Sandy Gold Project is located in Lyon County, Nevada, USA. It shows widespread alteration and mineralization hosted by Tertiary volcanic rocks. Alteration mostly occurs as argillization of the host volcanic units, closely associated with iron oxides. Mineralization is most obviously expressed as several types of veins. This includes banded epithermal veins with chalcedonic to finely crystalline quartz, with varying amounts of calcite and adularia, and local barite. Coarse-grained calcite veins are also present.

Slumber Gold Project

The Slumber Gold Project occurs along an intra-mountain graben in the Jackson Mountains. Moreover, it sits approximately 50 miles northwest of Winnemucca, Humboldt County, Nevada and is approximately 21 miles west of the Sleeper bonanza epithermal vein gold deposit. Slumber is, in fact, one of several high-level epithermal gold systems on a trend from the Jackson Mountains, through the Bilk Creek Mountains and continuing north into Oregon. These deposits, along with the Sleeper, Sulphur-Hycroft, Goldbanks, Blue Mountain, Sandman, and other precious metals deposits located along the western splays and associated fault-fracture zones of the mid-Miocene (Tertiary) Northern Nevada Rift, define an important epithermal province in northwestern Nevada.  

For more information on  NV Gold Corporation (TSX.V: NVX, OTC: NVGLF) please fill out the form below.

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