Brompton Funds: Cash Flow Kings ETF

June 26, 2024

Brompton's Cash Flow Kings ETFs invest in mid- to large-cap companies with high free cash flow yields, focusing on companies that are attractively valued relative to their cash generating abilities. Companies with high levels of free cash flow (excess cash) are not only financially stable but they also have opportunities to increase shareholder value. Free cash flow is the fuel that powers a company’s growth and profitability.

Brompton Cash Flow Kings ETFs (KNGC, KNGU, KNGX) are designed to replicate the Brompton Index One Cash Flow Kings Indices. These indices track the performance of Canadian, US, and International companies with robust free cash flow relative to their enterprise value. With low management fees of 0.45% (KNGC/KNGU) and 0.55% (KNGX), these ETFs offer a cost-effective way to gain exposure to companies with high free cash flow, trading at attractive valuations.

For more information on Brompton Cash Flow Kings ETFs please contact Brompton Funds.

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