Eyecarrot Innovations: Improving Vision Health

March 5, 2020

Advanced solutions in neurovision technology

Eyecarrot Innovations is a Toronto-based healthcare technology company. The Company's developing a mobile-first software-centered service platform for the vision development, vision rehabilitation, and vision performance industries.

Furthermore, Eyecarrot’s Binovi Platform is an innovative technology solution. In fact, the platform integrates software, hardware, data, and expert knowledge to help optometrists treat vision-related issues. This includes; in-office therapy, doctor-led home-based activities, and help for trainers and athletes to improve and maintain performance in sport and in life.

More on Binovi

Moreover, utilizing in-office and home-based activity protocols, the innovative Binovi platform helps optometric practices gain greater results. The results are faster, with improved patient satisfaction in areas ranging from sports performance to binocular vision abnormalities.

Much of the research in sports in the last few decades has focused on nutrition and bio-mechanics however, the work has been done largely without changes to the visual system, leaving potential performance improvements on the table. Markedly, Sports Vision Training is how Eyecarrot can help tailor that visual system to improve performance in athletes across all sports, and all positions.

For more information on Eyecarrot Innovations Corp. (EYC:TSX.V, EYCCF:OTCQB) please fill out the form below.

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