Mining stocks are a popular portfolio pick for many investors since resources such as gold, silver and copper are used in many industries and other markets. In addition, they are crucial for socioeconomic development and economy growth.
The top 10 mining companies worldwide have reached over 430 billion U.S. dollars in combined revenue. In this article you'll learn about the revenue, income and market cap of mining leaders worldwide.
2019 ranking of the leading mining companies worldwide based on revenue
According to the 2019 Financial Times Equity list of leading global companies, shown above, United Kingdom and China-based companies have a strong presence in the mining industry. Overall, this raises attention on how investing in the foreign mining market can positively contribute to your portfolio.
2019 ranking of global leading mining companies based on net income
New names have reached the top 10 net income ranking list, the criteria of the list is based on the company's productivity and operational costs.
In fact, a deeper knowledge of a company's operation and plans can help you when it comes to picking stocks. Learn about 5 resource companies that BTV visited in China, Peru, Canada and Fiji.
Leading mining companies based on market capitalization in 2019
As of August 2019 the top 10 leading mining companies worldwide show a significant gap from $6 B to $120 B market cap. It's important to carefully study the market cap evolution of your selected companies and prospect stocks, as it allows investors to understand a company’s value when compared to others. Also, it highlights whether a company is adding value for shareholders or not.
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